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7 heart questions, answered

See Novant Health’s answers to seven common heart-health questions. Why? Because being proactive and in-the-know about your heart health is the first step in treating (or preventing) heart disease.

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From prevention to disease management, Novant Health’s multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals work together to deliver the best possible heart care.

Photo provided by Novant Health

Caring for your heart should be a top priority. Why? Because heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the US.

While prevention + being proactive go a long way, there’s a lot to know about caring for this essential organ. That’s why Novant Health is here to answer common heart-related questions:

Q: If I have questions about my heart or suspect I have a problem, what doctor should I call?

A: The first step is talking to your primary care doctor — ideally, before you have symptoms. It’s important to follow your doctor’s advice, including making lifestyle modifications and taking medications, if needed.

If your primary suspects you have a heart-related condition, you may be referred to a general cardiologist for evaluation.

Q: What kind of tests might a general cardiologist do?

A: Electrocardiogram, a stress test, and an echocardiogram are all tests a cardiologist might perform.

See more about these tests — plus, answers to five more questions.

See five more answers