If your New Year’s resolutions involve getting outside more or leveling up your weekly walks, you’re in luck — 2023 is the Year of the Trail in NC. This campaign celebrates our state’s vast network of trails, greenways, and blueways through guided adventures, learning opportunities, workdays, and more.
In 2021, the NC General Assembly designated 2023 as the Year of the Trail. Why? This year marks the 50th anniversary of the 1973 North Carolina Trails System Act, which created the NC Trails Program.
NC is the Great Trails State and it shows. Trails are the cornerstone of outdoor recreation in NC, which provides 260,000+ jobs and has an economic impact of more than $28 billion. NC has 12 state trails and 40+ state parks with hundreds of miles of trails (think: Hanging Rock and Pilot Mountain State Parks).
Whether you want to walk, run, hike, bike, paddle, or ride, there’s a local trail for everyone. Find a trail near you and view trail events.